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Are Consultants in Bentonville, Arkansas Covered Under Workers Compensation?

Right now, a lot of people who would normally be going to work every day are stuck at home. Thanks to COVID-19, millions of people are out of work. Companies are temporarily closing or shedding more than half their staff. Others simply don’t have the money to pay their employees. If you work in the hospitality or restaurant industry, you probably have been out of work for more than a month now. All you want is for life to go back to normal. You can’t afford to sit home another day. Even if you’re entitled to unemployment benefits, if you’re like other people in Bentonville, you’ve been waiting to start receiving your benefits for quite some time. A lot of other employees simply aren’t entitled to unemployment benefits. Maybe you worked as a freelance graphic designer or consultant. These types of workers are, sadly, not entitled to unemployment. Unfortunately, they aren’t entitled to workers’ compensation in Arkansas either.

One of the questions our workers’ comp lawyers in Bentonville hear the most is – are consultants covered under workers comp in Arkansas? And, as much as we hate to be the bearer of bad news, the truth is – no, they are not. This is not the kind of thing anybody wants to hear if they’ve been hurt at work. These days, very few people have enough money in savings to cover their bills for months on end. So, if you get hurt at work and aren’t entitled to workers’ comp benefits, you may have no idea what to do. And, you’re not alone. Thousands of people every year find themselves with no income and no medical care when they get hurt at work. If you’re one of these people, call our office right away. We can discuss your options and find out if you are, indeed, entitled to benefits or not. The consultation won’t cost you a thing but will give you the peace of mind you need.

A dry eraser board that says, "work injury".

Why Aren’t Consultants Considered Employees for Workers Compensation Purposes?

No matter what state you’re in, if you get hurt at work, you’re probably entitled to workers’ comp benefits. These benefits include both medical treatment and replacement wages. These benefits are available to any employee who gets hurt while on the job. However, the keyword there is “employee.” Just because you go to work every day and get a paycheck from a certain company, that doesn’t mean you’re an employee. The way you’re classified – as an employee versus a consultant – has very big implications.

Consultants, freelancers, and independent contractors are not entitled to workers comp benefits in Bentonville, Arkansas. In fact, they aren’t eligible for workers’ comp benefits no matter where they live.

The reason consultants aren’t eligible for workers comp is that, technically, they aren’t considered employees. And, only employees are eligible for benefits. If you aren’t sure whether you’re considered a consultant or not, ask your employer. This can be explained in your employee handbook or contract with your company. If you still aren’t sure or disagree with what your employer says, make sure you call our office right away.

No Matter What Kind of Employee You Are, an Experienced Injury Lawyer in Bentonville May Be Able to Help

If you get hurt at work, you’re going to feel a lot of different things. You’ll be afraid, wondering how you’re going to pay your bills. You’ll also be in physical pain. Even if your injury is minor, you’ll still experience some sort of discomfort. And, if you find out you’re not eligible for workers comp benefits, you may be a little angry. When we take a job, we don’t think that the day will come when we get hurt and can’t work. And for consultants and independent contractors, if that day comes, it can be devastating. This is because consultants are not eligible for workers comp in Arkansas. This is the case no matter whether your injuries took place on the job or not.

If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, you really should call and talk to one of our experienced workers’ comp lawyers in Bentonville. You probably have a lot of questions. You may not even be sure if you are considered a consultant in the first place. The good news is that we can answer any questions you may have. The other good news is that you can sit down and talk to one of our skilled injury lawyers for free. Call today and schedule your initial consultation. It’s absolutely free and you won’t have to pay until you resolve your case.

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