Determined and Relentless Representation

Washington County Personal Injury Lawyers

Washington County Personal Injury Lawyers

After a car accident or work-related accident, you and your family may feel overwhelmed. You may face medical bills, lost wages, uncontrolled pain, and confusing paperwork. Making it to doctor’s appointments or getting the treatment or medication you need may be difficult. You may wonder if you’ll ever recover from your injuries or return to the work and hobbies you love.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. At the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield, we’re dedicated to providing experienced, compassionate representation to each of our clients. We can answer your questions and help you take steps to protect your legal rights.

Arkansas Personal Injury Statistics

Many different situations can result in personal injuries. Many personal injuries are preventable. Here is an overview of common personal injury statistics and claims in Arkansas:

  • Car accidents: In 2021, 693 people died and thousands more were injured in Arkansas car accidents – the highest number since 2015.
  • Workplace injuries: In 2021, 74 Arkansas residents died as a result of a workplace injury. In 2022, for every 100 full-time workers in Arkansas, 2.5 workers reported injuries.
  • Bicycle injuries: About 10 percent of all vehicle accident deaths involve bicyclists. Thousands of injuries are also reported each year.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Over 4,000 people have been killed or injured while using a crosswalk between 2016 and 2020.
  • Dog bites: A 2018 study found that 37.1 percent of dog bite injury victims needed stitches or surgery after a dog bite. Children were eight times more likely to need surgery to repair a dog bite injury than adults and four times more likely to be bitten on the face or head.
  • Slips, trips, and falls: Falls are one of the top causes of death in the United States, especially among older adults. In 2020, Arkansas hospitals recorded 201 deaths and 11,418 hospitalizations from falls for adults 65 and older. Falls are also one of the top causes of workplace death and injury.

Other scenarios can also cause serious injuries. Motorcycle accidents, medical negligence, and defective products also cause serious harm to Arkansas residents each year. No matter how the harm occurred, an injured person may benefit from speaking to an experienced personal injury attorney.

Common Causes of Personal Injury in Washington County

In many cases, one person is injured when another person or company fails to take due care to prevent an injury that could have been predicted or avoided.

Common causes of personal injury claims in Washington County, Arkansas, include:

  • Motor vehicle traffic accidents. All drivers have a responsibility to drive safely to avoid causing a crash. When a driver is intoxicated, speeding, or simply not paying attention behind the wheel, anyone involved in a resulting crash can be seriously injuries.
  • Truck crashes. Semi-truck or tractor-trailer crashes can cause severe injuries or even death. A fully loaded semi-truck can weigh 80,000 pounds or more. When a truck collides with a passenger vehicle, the damage can be devastating.
  • Motorcycle accidents. Part of a driver’s responsibility to drive safely includes watching for other traffic and paying attention to the road. Inattentive drivers who don’t see motorcyclists or yield the right of way can cause a crash – with life-changing or even deadly results.
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accidents. Bicyclists and pedestrians have a right to use public roads for travel, just as cars do. When vehicle drivers don’t pay attention or allow bicyclists and pedestrians to use the roads as intended, serious injuries or death may result.
  • Slip and fall injuries. Businesses have a duty to provide reasonably safe premises for visitors – and to warn visitors about conditions that can’t be made safe, like a wet floor after mopping. When businesses don’t meet this responsibility, a serious slip and fall injury may occur.
  • Defective products. Companies are responsible for providing consumer products that are reasonably safe for their intended use and/or that come with warnings about risks that can’t be avoided, like a sharp blade on a saw. When a company doesn’t meet these responsibilities, a resulting injury may be grounds for a defective products lawsuit.
  • Dog bites. Any dog may bite, even if the dog has never acted aggressively before. Owners have a responsibility to control their dogs to prevent biting. While few dog bites result in death, the scarring, pain, and other issues caused by a dog bite can be lifelong.
  • Workplace injuries. Falls, electrocution, being pinned inside or between objects, and being hit by objects are the “big four” causes of death on construction sites. Yet, any workplace can be the location of an injury. Dealing with worker’s compensation and any responsible third parties can be challenging without the help of an experienced attorney.

When injuries in a personal injury case result in death, the surviving family members may bring a wrongful death claim. A wrongful death claim seeks damages for medical bills, lost wages, and other losses, similar to a personal injury claim. It can also seek compensation for funeral and burial costs and losses suffered by the family due to the death of their loved one.

What to Expect During an Arkansas Personal Injury Lawsuit

Arkansas personal injury cases follow certain rules. These include time limits on filing a claim after an injury and rules for determining how an injured person will be compensated. An attorney can explain how these rules apply in your specific case.

Time Limits on Arkansas Personal Injury Claims

Arkansas courts set a time limit of three years on filing a claim after an injury. Claims that aren’t filed within this three-year window cannot be brought to court.

Some exceptions apply to the three-year rule, but they are narrow. Even if you suspect that time has run out, speak to an attorney. A Northwest Arkansas personal injury lawyer can explain exactly how the time limit applies in your case.

Damages Recoverable in an Injury Claim

In a personal injury case, “compensation” covers losses the injured person suffered. The type and amount of compensation that can be recovered differ from case to case.

Common types of damages that appear in Washington County, Arkansas personal injury claims include:

  • Medical bills for treatment you’ve already received, and for any additional treatment you might need in the future.
  • Lost wages, including wages you will lose if your injuries prevent you from ever working again.
  • Pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the injury. These damages may include compensation if you’re unable to participate in activities you once enjoyed or if those activities are limited.
  • Scarring and disfigurement, if your injuries caused scars, amputations, or other visible, permanent marks.

The facts of each personal injury case are unique. While family members or friends can provide essential emotional support, it’s important not to assume that your case will end the same way another person’s case ended. Instead, speak to an attorney for advice on your specific situation.

How an Experienced Washington County Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You

After an injury, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. You’re struggling to recover from the harm you suffered. You may worry about whether you can get back to work – and how you’ll pay the bills in the meantime. You may fear your life will never be the same.

An experienced attorney can help. When you reach out to a Washington County personal injury lawyer:

  • Your initial consultation may be free. Many attorneys offer a free, no-obligation consultation. You can ask an attorney any questions you have and receive recommendations tailored to your situation.
  • You gain an ally in your fight for compensation. Insurance companies and businesses have trained and experienced attorneys on their side. These lawyers specialize in finding ways to avoid paying insurance amounts and settlements, even when someone is injured. When you hire an attorney, you gain an experienced representative who can make sure your side of the case is fully heard – and that you get the compensation you deserve.
  • You may pay little or nothing out of pocket. Many personal injury lawyers work “on contingency.” This means that if they cannot recover compensation for you, you don’t pay any fees. Attorney’s fees come out of any compensation award you receive, not out of your pocket. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how contingency fee agreements work.
  • You can focus on recovery. Handling a personal injury lawsuit is a lot of work. When you’re injured, you already have a round-the-clock job to do in healing from your injuries. With an experienced Washington County lawyer on your side, you can focus on healing while your lawyer focuses on protecting your legal rights and pursuing compensation.

Talk to the Team at the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield Today

It is never easy to deal with the aftermath of a serious injury. Medical bills, lost wages, pain and other symptoms, uncertainty, and fear may be daily problems. You may wonder if you’ll ever return to the life you knew before you were injured.

You don’t have to face the future alone. If you’re dealing with the consequences of someone else’s negligence, call the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield today at (479) 361-3575 for a free, confidential consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

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