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SUV Crash on Local Arkansas Highway

A recent two-vehicle collision occurred in Lawrence County and took the life of a young man. For an unknown reason, the SUV crossed the centerline and hit a Freightliner. When catastrophic accidents happen, they must undergo a thorough investigation to determine the cause and analyze the aftermath.

When an accident reconstructionist takes over the scene, they will evaluate the facts of the accident based on evidence left behind. Forms of evidence can come from car debris, skid marks, checking a truck’s onboard black box, and other tools. What a reconstructionist finds may not be what the police or the deceased’s family expects. 

In every accident, usual questions to ask are: Who drifted over into whose lane? Could it have been the Freightliner that drifted around into the SUV’s lane? Could both vehicles have been hovering at the time of the crash? Did the SUV driver attempt to swerve or apply their brakes? Were there any other vehicles around the accident that may have caused this? Was either driver texting?

Big rig truck accidents never turn out well and often leave carnage in their wake. The facts may show that one or both drivers were at fault. If you or a loved one have been involved in a severe accident, do not hesitate to contact an experienced car accident lawyer at the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield

When To Contact an Arkansas Car Accident Lawyer for Your Injuries

Do not wait until you know more. Call us, and we can get on the case right away. Preserve evidence, read the accident report, talk to witnesses, and read the accident report. The longer you wait, the more the existing evidence degrades or vanishes.

Additionally, truck accident cases are incredibly complex due to the various state and federal rules and regulations. Truck accident cases also tend to have multiple defendants.

Arkansas is a modified comparative negligence state and follows the 50 percent bar rule. If an accident survivor/victim is deemed 50 percent or greater at fault in causing an accident, they are barred from recovering compensation for injuries. Call us today at 479-361-3575.

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