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The Facts About Arkansas Hit-And-Run Accidents

The number of Arkansas hit-and-run accidents seem to be increasing. Accidents cause trauma and stress regardless of their magnitude. Pain and suffering, along with emotional and physical damages, can have a life-changing impact on you. Following the law and defensive driving saves lives. However, sometimes you cannot avoid being in a car collision because of someone else’s carelessness.  Being in a crash can be very traumatizing. Accidents caused by the negligence of another person who leaves the scene of the accident make your legal options much more complicated. The victim is left to manage everything on their own, and it is usually necessary to have uninsured motorist coverage to compensate you for your damages.

It is desirable to hold accountable the person whose negligence caused the accident to begin with. For this purpose, you should provide the investigating police department as much information as possible so they can try to find the vehicle.  Additionally, you should immediately contact a professional personal injury attorney. He or she will guide you through the process of filing an uninsured motorist claim and provide you the best legal options according to your circumstances. If you ever experience hit and run accidents, you should know which legal actions are allowed by the state and what steps you should take towards recovery.

The Obligation to Stay at the Accident Scene in Arkansas:

Legally, it is obligatory in Arkansas to stay at the scene of the accident and follow certain steps.

  • In the situation of property damages, it is necessary to stop the vehicle as close to the scene of the accident as possible without disrupting the traffic flow. This includes accidents happening anywhere in the state, for instance, a parking lot, driveway, highway, etc. The primary information must be shared between the drivers involved in the incident. Information includes name, address, contact details, vehicle registration numbers, and auto insurance information.
  • In situations of physical damages such as injuries or fatalities, it is required to wait at the scene of the accident until the police officers arrive. Moreover, the witnesses or the driver who caused the accident is required to immediately call 911 and seek medical assistance for the injured people. Information also needs to be shared.

Often, in a hit and run case, the driver of the vehicle is not present. For instance, there is an accident with a car in the parking lot. The driver needs to locate the owner of the vehicle and report the incident. If finding the unattended vehicle’s driver is not possible, then the driver can place a note with contact information.

Penalty for Fleeing from the Scene of the Accident:

There could be several possibilities why a person might run from the scene of the accident. Uninsured drivers, existing legal matters, driving under the influence, invalid driver’s license, and lack of insurance could be the possible reasons. However, the actions cannot be justified for these reasons.

Arkansas hit-and-run accidents are criminal offenses for which the guilty person faces consequences including fines, felony charges, and loss of driving license. In Arkansas, the fine ranges up to $10,000 and a maximum of 6 years in prison along with the cancellation of driver’s license.

If You are a Victim of Arkansas Hit-And-Run Accidents, Get in Touch with Us:

If you or your loved ones were involved in Arkansas hit-and-run accidents, you are required to take a few steps for assisting the police in catching the driver. This will also help to speed up the compensation process from the insurance company.

Information such as the color of the vehicle, the license plate, make of the vehicle, appearance of the driver are crucial in Arkansas hit-and-run accidents. Moreover, information from witnesses can also be extracted. It is always better to document the time and location of the incident along with photos of the incident area.

Our skilled lawyers help in receiving a full claim in case the driver is not identified. Dealing with the hit and run case becomes very difficult while sustaining injuries and trauma. The insurance company might put forward a claim lower than you deserve in case the negligent driver is not caught. For this reason, hire a professional attorney to protect your rights.

We aim for the best interest of our clients by seeking fair compensation. Contact us immediately to discuss the legal implications of your case.

Unfortunately, we cannot save you from accidents, but we are here to provide you a more comfortable recovery.

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