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Fayetteville Rear End Accident Attorneys

Fayetteville Rear End Accident Attorneys

Rear-end collisions in the nation are far more common than we would like to think. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that every year there are at least 3,000 deaths attributed to distracted driving. Distracted driving involves the driver losing focus while behind the wheel due to cognitive, manual, or visual distractions, or manual, visual, and mental distractions.

One of the main factors behind rear-end collisions is distracting e-devices in vehicles. There are more than 300 million wireless subscriptions in the U.S. today, and the number keeps climbing. How often have you seen other drivers holding a cellphone, reading messages, or making calls​?

If you were recently involved in a car crash where distracted driving was a critical factor, contact our office today. Our rear end car accident attorneys are here to listen to your concerns. We bring years of experience and understand the complexities of car accident claims.

How a Rear End Collision Happens in Fayetteville, AR

This information comes from a study done by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). They researched rear-end collisions to determine what factors may be involved in causing a rear-end crash.

As it turns out, VTTI arrived at some interesting conclusions. Some of the findings they revealed include:

  • Most rear-end collisions happen when the lead vehicle is either moving very slowly or stopped. In most of these accidents, the driver was following too closely behind the car they crashed into. Approximately 81 percent of rear-end crashes happen when the first vehicle is stopped.
  • Male drivers between 25 and 34 were 1.9 times more likely to be in a rear-end collision.
  • These types of collisions usually take place during daylight hours while on level, straight and dry roads.
  • In close to 50 percent of rear-end collisions, the driver who hits the vehicle in front of them was not paying attention to their surroundings or the road in front of them. They were driving while distracted.
  • Surveys, where drivers were observed, revealed that more than 100,000 drivers are texting at any given moment each day, and over 600,000 drivers are holding cellphones to their ears while behind the wheel.
  • Driving while distracted can involve texting while driving, eating, talking on a cellphone, talking to a passenger, or even daydreaming. Distracted drivers are the cause of roughly 90 percent of rear-end collisions.
  • Tailgating.
  • Speeding.
  • Driving while fatigued.
  • Driving in bad weather with low visibility.
  • Driving behind a vehicle that makes frequent stops.
  • Driving behind a large vehicle that blocks your view.

How do you reduce the number of rear-end collisions? Leave more space between vehicles, and do not drive while distracted. It would likely reduce the number of rear-end crashes in the nation and Fayetteville.

However, despite the danger, drivers continue to insist on staying connected, even though they are risking their own lives and the lives of others. While some rear-end collisions can be minor, others, particularly if they involve a larger vehicle, such as a big rig, can be deadly.

Types of Rear End Accident Injuries

Minor rear-end collisions can result in serious injuries, injuries that are not readily noticeable or that present themselves right away. For this reason, see a doctor as soon as possible and make sure to get a paper trail, a record of all your injuries, minor and major. Your documentation needs to include a treatment plan as well.

Injuries sustained in a rear-end collision may include the following:

  • Airbag injuries
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Back injuries
  • Broken arm(s)
  • Broken leg(s)
  • Broken bones (ribs, pelvis, shoulder)
  • Burns
  • Concussions
  • Crush injuries
  • Death
  • Dental injuries
  • Disfiguring facial injuries
  • Head injuries, brain damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Lung lacerations
  • Paralysis, quadriplegia, tetraplegia, paraplegia
  • Seatbelt bruising
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Torn ligaments/tendons
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Whiplash

If you were in a more serious collision that involved a heavy truck, you must seek medical help and treatment. In either instance, a minor collision or one of a more serious nature, get medical assistance as soon as possible. Also, make sure to reach out to a Fayetteville rear-end collision attorney at the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield. We’ve got your back and know exactly how to help you navigate a frightening accident like a rear-end collision.

Who is At-Fault in a Fayetteville Rear End Accident?

In most cases, a rear-end collision is the fault of the driver of the car that hit you. However, there are some cases where there is shared liability. It depends on the circumstances of the case, and your Fayetteville rear-end crash attorney at the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield can certainly take a close look at the facts and determine who was at fault.

It is also important to know about the “last clear chance” doctrine. This means a partially negligent injured party to a rear-end crash may recover damages if it is proven that the defendant was reasonably able to avert the crash, no matter what the plaintiff’s contribution happened to be. To be clear, just because you were rear-ended, does not always mean that the other driver is at fault.

For instance, there are cases where both vehicles were moving at the time of impact. Was the defendant tailgating? Did the plaintiff come to a sudden, unnecessary stop? Did the plaintiff not have proper working taillights? Did the plaintiff suddenly drive in reverse without warning? Did the plaintiff fail to use turn signals? Did the plaintiff make a sudden lane change in front of another vehicle?

In Arkansas, courts follow the modified comparative fault or modified comparative negligence rule. This refers to when an injured person was, in part, responsible for causing the personal injury crash. An example would be If one driver is considered to be primarily at fault, but the other driver also bears some responsibility.

If a texting motorist rear-ends you at a stop sign, that driver that rear-ended you would be negligent and responsible for the accident. However, if your taillights were not working or you stopped abruptly with no warning, you may be considered at fault as well.

Contact the Fayetteville Office of Jason M. Hatfield Today

If you were involved in a Fayetteville rear-end crash, call us at the Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield at 479-888-4789. Our dedicated team of rear-end crash accident lawyers is here to help.

Call us today for a free initial consultation and to find out what you can expect should you file a personal injury lawsuit. We know you have questions, and we can answer them for you. The Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield is just one quick call away: 479-888-4789.


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